Conference query system for IWAPS 2024
Conference query system for IWAPS 2024
The 8th IWAPS will be held in Jiaxing, Zhejiang from October 15th to 16th, 2024. On site registration will begin on October 14th.
姓名 Name | |
国籍 Nationality | |
参会信息 | |
单位 Organisation | |
邮箱 E-mail | |
缴费方式 Selection of payment method | |
代表类别 | |
专委会成员 | |
学生 | |
联盟成员 | |
赞助商 | |
普通参会者 | |
发票抬头 Invoice info for domestic attendees in China | |
纳税人识别号 Invoice info for domestic attendees in China | |
其他备注信息 | |
中国大陆手机 Chinese Mainland Mobile phone number | |
非中国大陆手机 Non Chinese Mainland Mobile phone number | |
后台确认缴费状态 Payment status in the COS | |
后台确认缴费金额 Payment amount in the COS | |
创建时间 Creation time | |
核销码 Verification code | |